Schmoopy Calcium Levels

03.03.15 – Calcium = 11 (within normal range) (Creatine Kinase high at 416 (range = 10-200)
06.20.16 – Calcium = 10.7 (within normal range)
12.07.16 – Calcium = 11.4 (within normal range)
04.10.17 – Calcium = 12.8 (above high normal)
04.27.17 – Calcium = 15.3 (above high normal) (earlier this week, SubQ fluids, Lasix & diuretic in an effort to get Calcium under control)
04.27.17 – Ionized Calcium = 1.41 (above high normal) (IV fluids)
04.28.17 – Ionized Calcium = 1.4 (above high normal)
05.01.17 – Ionized Calcium = 1.3 (on morning of surgery (prior to surgery)) (within normal range)
05.10.17 – Ionized Calcium = 1.43 (above high normal)
05.16.17 – Ionized Calcium = 1.88 (above high normal) - This is the highest it has ever been
05.17.17 – Ionized Calcium = 1.64 (above high normal) but less than yesterday.

05.18.17 – Ionized Calcium = 1.44 (above high normal) but going down.
05.19.17 – Ionized Calcium = 1.36 (slightly above high normal)
05.23.17 – Ionized Calcium = 1.12 (slightly below normal)
05.29.17 – Ionized Calcium = 1.87 (above high normal)

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

It is with the heaviest heart that I write this post.  I'm emotionally drained at this point so I will keep this relatively short until I can think through what I really want to say.  I unfortunately had to decide to let Schmoopy go this evening, shortly before midnight, May 31, 2017.  So totally devastated.  So totally heart broken.  The only comfort I take is knowing it was right for him.  I love this dog with my entire heart and soul.  He has been such a blessing to me for 10 years.  He chose me from day one and quickly became the love of my life.  I'll love you forever, my sweet dog. I'll miss you forever.  I'm so sorry I couldn't fix this for you but now you're at peace, no more cancer to deal with.  Rest in peace my sweet love.  💔 🐾 ❤️ 🐾 ❤️ 🐾 💔

I sincerely want to thank all of you, from the bottom of my heart, for all your love, support and prayers.  If Schmoopy could have been healed from all the well wishes and prayers, he would have outlived us all.  🙂

Silveroak's Love of Kate's Life
🐾 ❤️ 🐾. 
March 30, 2007 - May 31, 2017

Thank you Peter Ozdzynski and mom for always being there and loving Schmoopy as much as I did, and thank you for being with me when it came time to say goodbye.

Thank you Ruth for all your support and thank you so very much for bringing this baby into my life and trusting that I would provide a good home and take the very best care of him.

Big, big sigh. Miss you so much my Schmoopy bear.  XOXO  #SilverOaks Eskies, #Cathy Hammer

Monday, May 22, 2017

May 19, 2017 - May 22, 2017: Schmoopy's First Chemo treatment

May 19, 2017 – Friday morning around 8:00am: Dropped Schmoopy off at Hope Center Oncology

May 19, 2017 – Friday morning around 10:00am: 
                          Dr. McNeill called: ionized calcium now down to 1.36 (very slightly above normal)

May 19, 2017 – Friday:  Schmoopy had his first chemo treatment in the afternoon. 
                          My observations after bringing him home:
                          In General:  Agitated, restless, uncomfortable, nauseous, vomited 5x

                          How he presented when we brought him home:  In general, he has not felt well
                          since I brought him home on Friday (05/19) afternoon.

     I picked him up around 3:00pm and for that first hour, he vomited about 3-4 times. 
     I had allowed him some water but picked it up because I knew he wanted too much, too quickly.   
     That said, his vomit was not the clear liquid kind he has vomited in the past when he consumed
     too much water, too quickly.)
     I lifted the water, but he desperately wanted water.

     I called Oncology at around 4:00pm and here is what the nurse reported to me:
  • He ate a little bit, and a few treats for the nurses when at the Oncology office.
  • They did try to limit his water because (not sure why they did, but they did)
  • Nurse said he was anxious there.  
  • She said I could give him ice cubes if he needs something
  • They gave him injections of Cerenia and Ondansetron earlier in the day
  • She said I could give another dose of Metoclopramide (I gave it to him)
  • She also said she didn’t feel his nausea was from the chemo.  She thought it was more the stress of being there and commented that he was pretty anxious. So, they did limit his water while there because he seemed so anxious.  (Schmoopy also never likes to be alone.  Since a puppy he has always been this way.  For times when I have to crate the dogs at home, I cannot crate Schmoopy alone. He is fine when crated with his Sassy (my 9 year old American Eskimo.  I have a HUGE crate that I can fit inside with them (smile)))
The rest of the evening 05.19.17:
  • He seemed agitated, restless, wouldn’t/couldn’t relax from about 3:30pm until about 9:00pm.  This is not typical behavior.
  • Barking constantly (the way he barks when he wants something.  It’s a demanding something from me type of bark)
  • All he seemed to want was water (I allowed him some water but then he threw up)  I limited the water thereafter and gave ice cubes instead (which he chewed up and ate (he never chews ice))
  • All in, he vomited about 5x Friday afternoon.  It was brown, liquidy, with sometimes small pieces of food.  (It looked like it was likely the ID Stew they gave him to eat earlier)
I called Hope Emergency at around 8:20pm because I was concerned:
  • At this point he had not vomited for about 2 hours but cannot seem to settle down.
  • Carrie suggested I try giving him Tramadol (It has sedative effects too) (I did.  This seemed to help him settle down and get more comfortable)
May 20, 2017 – Saturday, around 8:00pm:
                           Eating very little, not feeling well.  Urinating and defecating seems normal.

     Called Hope Emergency because Schmoopy hasn’t eaten all day.
     Spoke with Sidney.  I told her the following:
  • I have been giving him all the medications I was instructed to give which includes anti-nausea medications but I’m concerned because I can tell he’s nauseous (tries to eat grass when I potty him, he has not eaten for me all day.  When I offer food, he comes to me and then turns his head away.)
  • Lethargic
  • Not eating
  • Not drinking much either
  • Sidney asked if I have an appetite stimulant and suggested I give this (Mirtazapine).  I gave this and did see some results.  He ate some food pretty quickly afterwards.  A little bit of kibble and a McDonald’s plain meat patty (no bun)  I normally don’t feed my dogs McDonald’s but I was desperate to try to get something in him.
May 21, 2017 – Sunday, around 8:00pm: 
                           Eating very little, not feeling well.  Urinating and defecating seems normal. 
                           Water consumption seems on the lower side (but maybe this is good?  I say this 
                           because before he was consuming way too much.  Hemay be drinking more 
                          "normal" now)
  • Schmoopy wouldn’t eat in the morning.   
  • Gave him the appetite stimulant again around 4:00pm (it’s a 24 hour dose, but the Hope Center said I could give a little earlier).  
  • He ate fairly well for me and then again for Peter in the evening.
May 22, 2017 – Monday, around 7:00pm:
                          Overall assessment:  Eating very little, not feeling well. 
                          Urinating and defecating seems normal. 
                          Water consumption seems on the low side

  • Schmoopy ate a very small amount of kibble and chicken in the morning (not much) for Peter.
  • My mom stayed with him until Peter got home (I had to fly to Denver for a business trip).  
  • Mom gave him the appetite stimulant around 2:00pm but would not eat for her.
  • Peter got home around 3:30pm. Schmoopy still wouldn’t eat.
  • Peter bought 3 McDonald’s plain hamburgers.  Schmoopy ate two of them.  (That’s still only 180 calories.)
     I'm concerned.  Peter to take back to Hope if he doesn't eat more by tomorrow.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

May 18, 2017 – Thursday evening - Schmoopy home

Schmoopy came home from Hope Center Emergency where he spent two nights on IV fluids and meds in an effort to get his ionized calcium down closer to normal range so that he would eat, so that he would be well enough to get chemo on Friday, May 19, 2017.  They said he did well at the hospital (he ate, etc.)  Blood work will be checked again in the morning before chemo.

     - Vomited 1x (brown liquid with small amount of food.  I suspect it’s the I/D Stew that they fed 
        him that’s causing it to be brown)

May 18, 2017 – Thursday morning, ~ 8:00am

As of 05.18.17, 8:00am, spoke to Caroline (Tech) at Hope Center Emergency Hospital: 
     Ionized Calcium down to 1.44 (better but slightly above normal)

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

May 17, 2017 - Wednesday evening - Visiting Schmoopy in hospital

Peter and I visited Schmoopy in the Hope Emergency Hospital tonight. He looks good. Very lively. He's staying at the hospital so he can continue with IV fluids in an effort to get his Calcium down so he's well enough for chemo on Friday. I love you with all my heart, Schmoopy!! XOXO ❤️🐾

Schmoopy Health Update

May 17, 2017 - 10:45am:  Call from Hope Center Emergency

Hope Center:

-  Eating well
-  Drinking well
-  No bowel movement yet

- Ran lab work 05.17.17 to check ionized calcium: Still hypercalcemic at 1.64 
  (Above high normal but lower than 05.16.17 when it was 1.88)

- Get calcium into normal range (he'll feel better, he'll start to eat again, and reduce risks of kidney damage)
- Treat UTI

Actions for 05.17.17:
IV fluids - to help reduce Calcium (continue)
-  Zoledronate - To reduce Calcium (This was a one time dose)

- IV antibiotic (Enrofloxacin) - For UTI (They plan to transition this to Macrofloxacin in pill form probably by this evening.  Transitioning to one that has less GI upset potential)

Plan for 05.17.17:
-  Keep Schmoopy throughout day with IV fluids
-  Recheck bloodwork and calcium this evening
-  Re-assess this evening

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

May 16, 2017 - 10:00pm:  Visited Schmoopy in Hope Center Hospital

Clinically presenting to me:  Looked MUCH better.  Happy, excited to see me, ravenously eating and drinking.  Spit up a little bit from consuming too much water, too quickly.

May 16, 2017 - 9:45am:  Checked into Hope Center Emergency

Clinically presenting to me:  Not eating all weekend, lethargic

Hope Center: 

- Ran lab work to check ionized calcium: Hypercalcemic at 1.88 (highest it has ever been) 

- Get calcium into normal range (he'll feel better, he'll start to eat again, and reduce risks of kidney damage)

IV fluids - To help reduce Calcium
-  Zoledronate - To reduce Calcium
- IV antibiotic (Enrofloxacin) - For UTI

-  Keep Schmoopy overnight with IV fluids
-  Recheck bloodwork and calcium in the morning on 05.17.17

Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday - 8:00am - Schmoopy not intetested in food this morning

Tried eating grass so I imagine he's nauseous.   Gave Zofran.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Schmoopy's Health Update: May 9, 2017 - Tuesday

  • Schmoopy has been recovering from surgery quite well.
  • His appetite has gone back to normal for the most part (he's eating with gusto.  So thankful!)  The week before surgery was rough.  I could barely get him to eat anything.  If I was able to get 100 calories a day into him, that was a lot.
  • He has been loving the fresh turkey that Peter cooked for him as well as the sliced turkey from Italian Gourmet in Vienna, VA.

  • I did speak with the surgeon today.  The pathology report came back from what she removed.  I don't have any new information per se...just confirmation.  Unfortunately, based on all the research I have done, his representation is pretty much text book.  I say unfortunately because the fact of the matter is that it's an aggressive cancer.  Typically by the time it's diagnosed, the dog is hypercalcemic (which he was) and typically it has spread to the iliac medial lymph node (which it did)
    • The rectal tumor removed had clean margins (good news)
    • The lymph node confirmed that the cancer is metastatic (bad news) and that it extended to the capsule (not sure what that means exactly but I'll find out more tomorrow)
    • The mitotic rate is 30 (not sure what the scale is but whatever it, this is confirmation that it's an aggressive cancer.  Meaning it replicates/divides rapidly.  Spreads fast. (obviously bad news))
  • Oncologist appointment tomorrow for second phase of treatment journey.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Schmoopy's Health Update - May 1, 2017 - Monday

First, I can't thank everyone enough for all the support, love, prayers and well wishes for Schmoopy.

We have gotten through the surgery phase of this journey.
  • It was a lonnnggg day. Brought Schmoopy in to hospital at 8:00am for consult and then surgery. They took him into the OR in the afternoon and finished around 5:30pm.
  • They had to operate to remove the tumor (cancer) and the swollen lymph node in his abdomen (where the cancer spread).
  • The lymph node was rather large...the size of a gold ball according to the surgeon.
  • Dr. Hawthorne (surgeon) was pleased with how the surgery went. She felt she was able to get the tumor and lymph node out cleanly and without any complications.
  • He's on heavy duty pain medications and will be resting in the IC overnight.
  • I expect to bring him home tomorrow around 5:00pm.
  • He will have very limited activity for the next 2-3 weeks so his incisions can heal well.
  • In about a week we should have results back from pathology to see if she was able to get clean margins.
  • We will also have to follow up with the oncologist for the next phase of treatment for this aggressive cancer.

Canine Chronicle - Westminster 2010 Edition

Canine Chronicle - Westminster 2010 Edition
Page 275